There’s no doubt about it, worm infections are a common issue for children, teens and adults .Worms enter our bodies by way of our food and even carried by mosquitoes and flies. Once they enter the body, they go through many stages of their life cycle within the body, causing a lot of harm and damage. Most of the diseases caused by the various types of worms in your system can be prevented by good hygienic practices. And in many cases, the whole family or household receiving worm treatment is essential for eradication.

Some common worms that cause disease in humans include:
• Hook worm – Necatoramericanus
• Round worm – Ascarislumbricoides
• Pin worm -  Enterobiusvermicularis
• Whip worm – Trichuristrichiura
• Beef tape worm – Taeniasaginatum
• Pork tape worm – Taeniasolium
• Filarial worm- Wuchereriabancrofti

Hook worms are blood sucking parasites that spends part of its life cycle insideyour small intestine. Once the worm(s) reach adulthood they attach to multiple areas of your intestinal walls. When they finally detach, they leave continuous bleeding patches sites all over your intestines.
- Hookworm eggs thrive and hatch in warm moist soil.
- Their larvae enter your body by piercing the skin of the foot, especially between the toes and the soles.
- This occurs if you walk barefooted in soil contaminated with faecal matter.
- If the infestation is mild you may not experience any symptoms
- You may find very itchy vesicular lesions at the site the hook worm larvae enters your foot.
- If you have a heavy infestation, it could cause iron deficiency/anaemia which will make you feel lethargic, sleepy, experience palpitations and appear pale.
- You may experience other nonspecific symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea and bloating
- If it is very severe, your protein absorption may be affected and in the long term you would lose weight and may even develop heart failure.
- A hookworm infection is confirmed by detecting special features of its eggs in a sample of stools under a microscope.
- You may need a full blood count (FBC) to exclude anaemia
- The medication given include Pyrantel Palmoate, Albendazole and Mebendazole among others.
- You may also be treated for iron deficiency anaemia with iron supplements
- Always use proper toilets and ensure hand hygiene after using them they are sanitary
- Don’t walk barefooted in possibly contaminated areas
- Never use human excreta in your gardens as manure
These are tiny worms that complete their entire lifecycle within the human body.Adult worms are mostly found in the latter part of the large intestine and anus, travelling outside the anus during night time, often laying eggs along the outer rim of your anus.
- Female pinworms produce thousands of eggs which are transferred from the anus of an infected person to other surfaces like bed linen, night clothes, hands and fingernails of the person.
- These are then transmitted to furniture, bathroom fixtures, food, drink and may even be a part of household dust.
- These eggs then enter a new host through their mouth by contaminated fingers and start a new life cycle in a persons’ gastro intestinal tract.
- Sometimes these eggs can hatch near the anus of an infected person and travel upwards and cause severe infections
- Intense itching and prickling pain in the anal area mostly at night and the early morning
- Disturbed sleep
- Abdominal pain and loss of appetite
- In many cases, people may not experience any symptoms
- The pinworm eggs can be identified under a microscope.A sample is obtained by sticking a small piece of sticky tape in the perianal/external anal area early in the morning before washing the area.
- Once diagnosed, you will need at least 3 doses of Anthelmintics such as Mebendazole, PyrantelPamoate or Albendazole.
- All your family members/the entire household need to be treated even if they appear to be well as these worms spread quite easily
Proper washing of hands before meals and after using the toilet is of utmost importance
- Infected people should not share things like bed linen and towels
- Small children should be discouraged from scratching their anal area and sucking their thumbs
These are the largest worm found to infect humans and grow to a staggering 30 cm in length! The adult worm lives in the small intestine but some stages of its life cycle are spent in the blood stream and the lungs. In extreme cases, the round worms may enter other organs such as the liver and even your heart.
- A person gets infected by eating foods contaminated with fertilized round worm eggs
- The larvae that hatch from these eggs pierce the small intestines and enter the blood stream and then travel to the lungs.
- From there they make their way back to the small intestine and mature in to adults
- Most people show no symptoms.
- Some people develop Loefler’s Syndrome, an allergic reaction in response to the substances produced by the roundworm larvae as it matures in the lungs.
- Symptoms can include
o Dry cough
o Fever
o Difficulty in breathing
o Wheezing
o Abdominal pain
o Nausea
o Tingling sensation in the throat
o Appendicitis
- Examination of a stool sample under the microscope would reveal roundworm eggs but would be negative in the early stages.
- A full blood count will show increased eosinophils (a type of cells found in blood) if the person has Loefler’s Syndrome
- Treatment of an infection is with anti helm in the medication such as Mebedazole and Albendazole
- Washing hands with soap and water after using the toilet, before meals and before handling food items
- Thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables before eating them
- Never use human excreta as manure and dispose them into water sealed toilet
- Bed linen should be washed and dried under direct sunlight
Adult wormsare seen in the large intestine and are whip shaped, giving it its very apt name.
You can be infected by eating food contaminated with whip worm eggs
- Your symptoms will depend on the quantity of whip worms in your body as small numbers don’t cause any symptoms.
- When there are thousands of worms , you are likely to show symptoms like:
o Nausea
o Abdominal pain
o Loose stools or constipation
o Passing of blood stained mucoid stools
o Passing of gas regularly
- Examination of a stool sample under the microscope would reveal whipworm eggs which are identified by their unique features
- Treatment of a whip work infection is with antihelm in the medication such as Mebendazole and Albendazole
- Washing handswith soap and water after using the toilet, before meals and before handling food items.
- Thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables before eating them.
- Never use human excreta as manure in agriculture
Tape Worms begin their life cycles in pigs and cows and the rest in humans. Although tapeworms are found in the gastrointestinal tract, they may migrate in to the blood stream and end up in various organs of the body. These worms can also grow up to several meters in length!
You can get infected by eating undercooked meat (beef or pork) which contains the larval stages of the tapeworm.
- Usually mildly infected people may not show any symptoms.
- If the case is severe, you can suffer weight loss, dizziness, abdominal pain, loose stools, headaches, nausea, constipation and the loss of appetite.
- Examination of a stool sample under the microscope would reveal eggs which are identified by their unique features
- Treatment of an infection is with antihelminthic medication such as Albendazole and Praziquantel
- Ensure proper and adequate cooking of meat.
- Always use proper, sanitary toilets to pass stools and proper disposal of human faeces.
- Correct hand washing.
 This is caused by a worm entering your blood stream by way of a mosquito bite, in its’ larval form.
These worms mainly reside in the lymphatic system but some varieties may live in the body cavities or in the fat layer under the skin.
Their effects on the human body can be direct or due to the inflammatory reaction by the body in response to these worms and their larval forms called microfilariae.
As mentioned, you can be infected following a bite by an infected mosquito (Aedis species) which injects filarial larvae into your blood stream.
During the acute stage Filariasis, you could be showing symptoms such as:
• Fever
• Lymph node enlargement in the groin or under arms.
• Microfilariae in lungs may cause Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia (TPE) which causes symptoms like dry cough, in susceptible individuals
• Skin rashes and itching  in the type which inhabit the fat layer under the skin
• Blindness in certain varieties that affect the eyes
In the case of a chronic infection, your symptoms can include swollen genitalia and limbs. Repeated attacks of inflammation and resolution would result in irreversible swelling called “Elephantiasis”.
- Microfilariae can be detected under the microscope in samples of blood and urine
- Blood samples are taken at night to correspond with the time the larvae come in to the peripheral blood stream from the deeper tissues
- Filaria is then treated with a combination of medication including Albendazole and Ivermetacin for long durations of time to completely eradicate the worm from the body
- Some people may need surgery to affected limbs and genetalia
- After treatment you will be followed up for several months with blood tests to ensure you are completely free of the disease
- If the limbs are affected special care must be taken to keep the limb clean, do adequate exercise and take care to prevent injuries.
- Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia    …….treatment ?
The best way to prevent filaria is to reduce contact with the vector mosquito, using the following methods:
• Destroy mosquito breeding places – collections of stagnant polluted water
• Destroy larval stages of the mosquito – by introducing fish that eat these larvae in to their breeding places
• Reduce contact with mosquitoes – use mosquito repellents, nets etc
You may also be given preventive medication as part of mass treatment campaigns carried out by public health services.


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