{How to start studying? How Can I finish all these? Will it retain in my memory?}

Adolescents and Youth are in the age of acquiring knowledge to brighten their future. Studying learnt material and keeping them in their memory is a difficult task for many. 
Train yourself to study in an organized manner!
It will not only help you to succeed in your exams but also gain long term memory to use in your future career.
1.How to organize your studies?
Schedule your studies-
Be “practical” and set a time table to study 
Motivate yourself to stick to the timetable!                                                 
Target setting-
If you achieve your target on scheduled time reward yourself and also if you do not achieve your target on scheduled time penalize yourself with a negative reward
e.g.: I won’t go out with my friends for next one month
Group study
You can enjoy learning with friends and discussing difficult areas of study. This will help you to sustain the focus and to increase the understanding of study material. 
Now I enjoy studying with my buddies
Study early
Systematic studying over the time improves your memory.
 So do not wait to study just before the exam!
Meditation and yoga-
Meditation improves concentration on study material and your memory. 
Practicing yoga too improves your memory and also reduces inaccuracy in perception. 
2.What is short term memory and long term memory?
Tips to convert short term memory to long term memory?
 Self testing 
Regularly test yourself and learn by understanding your failures
Reflective learning (metacognition) 
 Evaluate newly learnt material by questioning and thinking whether you understood it correctly.
Spacing Effect 
Schedule your studies with relaxation time to improve long term memory
e.g.  1. Hobbies which needs lot of concentration and hand –eye coordination helps storing learnt material in between study times
3.How to recall things quickly during exams?
1.Connect something you have learnt before with new learning to insert into an existing knowledge framework.  
Creation of mental associations will speed up your recall too!
2.Use different ways of studying the same material to activate different parts of the brain. This also will facilitate to retain information longer. 
e.g.: read out a study material loud (this may improve your memory than simple reading);
 Listen or watch educational programmes; 
Rewrite learnt material; 
Draw diagrams 
      3. Think about future application of your knowledge. Understanding significance of learnt material will recapture your memory
             e.g.: Why this is important? 
                   When and where to apply? 
4. Use mnemonics such as acronyms or rhymes
        e.g.: Hallie (H) hillie (He) lithie (Li) berrie(Ba)….
 5. Be mindful while studying. 
           e.g.: Avoid multitasking and do one thing at a time
6. Study in an environment close to your exam situation
e.g.: Avoid reading in the bed instead be seated in front of the table 
7. Eat properly, drink more water and have a good sleep
You need good nutrition, adequate hydration and sleep to improve responsiveness, reaction time and general mental processing.
Eat well and drink enough!
Don’t study all night before the exam!

{ Exam phobia}

Myth -Exam phobia occurs only among unmotivated students with lower IQ.
Truth - It usually occurs among highly stressed students with good performance during the classroom learning.
Exam phobia develops slowly and it is good to identify early signs; 
Consistent physical and mental fatigue, 
Difficulty in concentrating and 
Negative self esteem. 
Teachers, parents and fellow students should pay attention to such changes in students.  
Be confident – You can!!!!! Believe yourself 
Walk before an exam 
Researches show that 20 minutes walking before the exam can help perform well.
Do not hesitate to go to a Counselor!!!
 Counselors can help you to ease your trouble.
Trust your psychotherapist!!!- 
Psychotherapy helps to overcome your fears and build confidence.



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